Foreign and Commonwealth

Routes and rules

If the stresses and strains of army life take their toll on your marriage as a Foreign & Commonwealth couple, there are lots of extra things to co...

Right to housing

There has much been much talk about future housing in recent months and the changes to the cohabitation rules, but what does this mean for non-UK nati...

Jumping employment hurdles

IF YOU'RE a Foreign & Commonwealth family, there can be additional things to consider when looking for a job. Katherine Houlston, AFF F&C spec...

The parent trap

In July 2012, new rules made it almost impossible for Foreign & Commonwealth families to bring their parents to the UK. AFF continues to receive l...

Saving to serve

FOLLOWING on from winter’s Army&You article on the cost of serving for F&C families, AFF F&C Specialist Katherine Houlston put your questi...

The cost of serving

Foreign & Commonwealth soldiers must earn a specific amount of money before they can bring their family to the UK – families must then apply to re...

The hostile environment

There has been much media coverage about the hostile environment and the repercussions of being in the UK without evidence of a right to remain. Kathe...

Moving on

Leaving the Army is a big step, but for those with citizenship and visa issues to sort it can be doubly complex. AFF F&C Specialist Katherine Houl...

Improving the system

THE current application process for a settlement visa for entitled family members to join their soldier is complicated, contradictory and confusing. F...

F&C partners

Soldiers often ask AFF’s F&C team: "Do I have to be married to bring my partner to the UK?" Katherine Houlston, our Foreign & Commonwealth Spe...