Putting your stamp on it

Many of us long for the day when we finally move into our forever home and can start decorating to our taste – which usually doesn’t involve magnolia walls! But what if you’re in Service Family Accommodation? A...

Adapting the house

AFF understands that moving is stressful enough, particularly when it involves returning from overseas, but it can be even more so when you require additional needs and disabled adaptations to your Service Fami...

Where are we with FAM?

AFF Chief Executive Sara Baade and Major General Sharon Nesmith, Director for Personnel of the army, tell us about theFuture Accommodation Model, or FAM… THERE is no denying that FAM is emotive. It’s the a...

Pilot practicalities

IF YOU’RE posted to Aldershot on or after 31 January 2020, the Future Accommodation Model (FAM) pilot will apply to you. It has been designed to offer more choice in how you want to live, whether on the patch o...

Property planning

WHEN you’re preparing for a move-out, do you ever wish you weren’t moving to another quarter? Maybe you dream of buying your own house where you can paint the walls any colour you like. Perhaps you’d rather ren...

Make Lyla’s birthday wish come true

CAN you help make brain tumour patient Lyla O’Donovan’s seventh birthday special by sending her a card on 28 November? Lyla, who was featured in Army&You in autumn 2018, was just three when she was diagn...