Employment and Training

Coworking goes online

The Military Coworking Network’s hubs are bringing people together to work and study all over the UK and overseas. But if lockdown continues, or if th...

Empowering you 2.0

RFEA, the forces employment charity, is celebrating this year’s International Women’s Day on 8 March, by hosting ‘Empowering You 2.0’, to boost employ...

On the job front

Forces Families Jobs is now in its second year and despite the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns, it’s seen success stories through military family m...

Championing the Cause

When you’re trying to forge a career while supporting your serving partner, there can be conflicts about which comes first. An increasing number of o...

Building your future

If you’re looking for a new challenge, career change or you’re unemployed, this free course could be just the thing for you... Building Heroes is a c...

More than an office

Are you still working, living and playing inside the same four walls? Have you started talking to the dog yet? When lockdown eases, seek out your loca...

Join webinar for job support

RFEA – The Forces Employment Charity is expanding its support for ex-servicewomen, military spouses and partners. On 24 November, the charity will be...

The right to learn

AFF’s F&C team often gets enquiries from those of you who are non-UK nationals and wish to study in the UK. Some of you, and your children, have h...

Staying put for your studies

Cat goes through the retention rules if you need to stay put for study or training… One of my first successes on joining AFF nine years ago (is it re...