
Courses for entrepreneurs

Are you considering self-employment? Spouses and partners of serving personnel can now access exclusive training sessions from X-Forces Enterprise i...

Menopause matters

Army&You spoke to Mo Bingham – the founder of the MOD Menopause Network and winner of a Women in Defence Unsung Heroine Award… Please tell us a...

Starting out in the world of work

It can be daunting for young people who are taking their first steps into the world of work, whether that is finding a Saturday job, starting out on...

Tips to ensure a smooth move

Make sure you’re up to speed on how to book your removals – contractor Agility has some tips to help ensure a smooth move… BOOKING To book your re...

How to ace your interview

In the third of our ‘How to’ series, we asked Sarah Peñaluna, Families Employment Advisor at Forces Employment Charity, for some tips on interviews…...

Support for military carers

AFF deals with questions and concerns from families who are either parent carers or are caring for an extended family member. One of the issues tha...

Fostering as an army family

AFF often receives enquires about fostering and this is something that is encouraged by both the MOD and the chain of command as they recognise the ...

Your home: tackling damp and mould

DIO has told AFF that tackling damp and mould across the SFA estate continues to be a critical priority for the organisation and its contractors. D...