Month of the Military Child competition winners

Annually in April, Never Such Innocence holds a poetry and art competition for Month of the Military Child. The 2023 theme was 'Friends Near and Far'. Winners were invited to the Main Building of the Ministry...

Putting service children first: 16-19s

AFF works closely with the Service Children’s Progression (SCiP) Alliance, a UK-wide partnership that brings organisations together to help improve the outcomes of a service child’s education experiences. SC...

Life after the army for F&C soldiers

As well as all the other challenges that leaving the army brings, non-UK serving personnel have the extra complication of proving to potential employers that they have a right to work in the UK. AFF F&C ...

A word from: AFF Chief Exec Collette Musgrave

Here at AFF this summer we’re focusing on the changes that you have to deal with as you move through army life. We’re all used to change – both in our personal lives and the wider world – and dealing with it ...

Travelling solo with children

When travelling abroad with children, different countries and airline companies have their own rules, so it’s worth doing some research before you go... Border Force Officers have a duty to safeguard the wel...

1 RIFLES head to the Med

AFF’s overseas team regularly supports unit moves between the UK and Cyprus. This summer’s rotation will see 1 RIFLES move to Dhekelia to take over the role of Regional Standby Battalion. This move is quite ...

Leaving the army: resettlement with a difference

Leaving the army is a life-changing event no matter where you’ve chosen to settle. But few will experience a seismic shift like the Brown family, who have swapped military life for the harsh landscape of Aust...

An army family postcard from Latvia

Kylie, Paul (serving), William (10) and Orla (6) How long have you been an army family? Paul and I met in 2008 and we got married at Larkhill’s Garrison Church in 2011. Time in Latvia? We are coming to th...