Health in your community

Last year Karen Ross, AFF Health & Additional Needs Specialist, was involved in developing guidance for health visitors supporting the wellbeing of military families. Here, she investigates how they are wor...

AFF backs kids’ mental health campaign

THE Army Families Federation is backing a national campaign promoting positive mental health among young people. Children’s Mental Health Week 2016, which launched today (8 February), is focusing on building...

Join an army of quitters

SOLDIERS are being urged to join a growing army of quitters by kicking cigarettes into touch for next month’s national No Smoking Day. The campaign, which is run by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and tak...

Back from the brink

When the stress of a new posting compounded a lack of post operational tour leave, Capt Justin Taylor found his mental health faltering. In this candid piece, the officer relives his darkest days and explains h...

The secret of sandal-ready feet

Want to get your feet in shape to show off this summer? Army&You's beauty expert Gracie Brown tells you how... AH, summer! A time where your feet are on show more than ever. After they have been h...

Healthy eating help

Do you want to get your toddler to try more fruit and veg? Food author Annabel Woolmer is on hand to help... MOST parents have been there: coaxing or bribing their children to try a new food. The prob...

Catering for kids

Fed up with following recipes filled with child-unfriendly steps, Army wife Annabel Woolmer created her own solution by self-publishing a cookbook specifically for young chefs... I STARTED to cook regula...

Injured Servicemen receive ground-breaking treatment

HAMPSHIRE-based Pilgrim Bandits Charity is to fund the very first round of innovative Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) with the HBOT Trust in Edinburgh. The treatment involves breathing pure oxygen at high...

Kick the habit

ACCORDING to a report from the Ministry of Defence, one-in-three Armed Forces members smoke. To combat this high figure, Service personnel and their families are being urged to get involved in No Smoking Day on...

Army&You’s guide to IVF

Following our article IVF and Army life in the autumn Army&You, we look at the criteria and entitlement for Armed Forces families living in different areas of the UK…   England Women under 40 years o...