Want to get your feet in shape to show off this summer? Army&You’s beauty expert Gracie Brown tells you how…
AH, summer! A time where your feet are on show more than ever.
After they have been hiding away in boots for a long while, it’s time to take a little more notice of that dead skin on your heels and remove your nail polish that’s been left on for weeks (just me?).
It may seem weird, but mouthwash works wonders for your feet as well as your mouth, add a decent splash with warm water and vinegar, soak for twenty minutes and the dead skin just rolls off.
If you’re going away (or not), a Shellac pedicure is ideal. You can buy the lamp and gels online and it will be so much cheaper than visiting a salon. Plus, you get to keep your colours, always a bonus.
Don’t leave your feet out of your big beauty regime this summer, not only will you walk more comfortably, but you will look great too!