HAMPSHIRE-based Pilgrim Bandits Charity is to fund the very first round of innovative Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) with the HBOT Trust in Edinburgh.
The treatment involves breathing pure oxygen at higher than atmospheric pressures in an enclosed chamber.
Two injured Servicemen, Ben Parkinson MBE and Stephen Thomas – both of whom have sustained life changing wounds including catastrophic brain injuries – are to receive a month’s treatment which is similar in its process to a decompression chamber.
A spokesperson from the charity said: “We have been researching HBOT for some time now believing that the only provision was in the US.
“Unbeknown to us, the world leading authority was right here in the UK – HBOT Trust in Scotland. These two lads are the first recipients from the charity and if it goes as well as we hope then we will be funding others to attend too.”
For full details of the treatment, visit www.hyperbaricoxygentherapy.org.uk
For more information about the Pilgrim Bandits Charity, visit www.pilgrimbandits.org