Express yourself to help tame transition

IF you’re a veteran or family member of a veteran and living in South Wales, then professional arts organisation Re-Live might be for you. The group has recently been awarded a grant for £51,000 from the Arm...

Sterling support for Service leavers

IF your soldier is leaving the Army, then Hire a Hero is here to help them make the transition from Service to civilian life. The charity's new career coaching service, along with changes to its ongoing ment...

Service group funds resettlement research

The Forces in Mind Trust, established to help ex-Servicemen and women make a successful transition back to civilian life, has awarded a grant of £91,385 to independent think tank the Centre for Social Justice (...

Preparing to move: Next step Civvy Street

THE Career Transition Partnership (CTP) works with the MOD to support you and your soldier if you are leaving the Army. If you’re living in Germany there’s a Regional Resettlement Centre in Herford, which supp...

Bounce into business at Barclays talent day

SERVICE leavers wanting to explore a new career in banking are being invited to attend a special event organised by Barclays on Wednesday, October 30. Taking place in London, the day will allow visitors to f...