Just because you are only living in your house for a short time, it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with your garden. Donna Rowe-Green, from Dig In North West, shares her tips for making the most of your time and your garden…
Crazy containers
We all know that planting in pots is an easy way to transport your garden when you move, but why stick to every-day containers? Try making a boots garden – each time you go to throw away a pair of worn out shoes, think about where you have been and what you have achieved while wearing them. Plant them up and build your own roaming story!
Grow your own
There are plenty of dwarf varieties of fruit and vegetables that can be grown in pots, so create your own portable allotment.
Take cuttings
Plant things in your garden that are easy to maintain. Shrubs and perennial plants are better than lots of bedding or high maintenance roses etc. When it’s time to move, take cuttings or collect seeds from your favourites, and take them with you.
Start a legacy
Plant an apple tree (sizes available to suit all gardens). Take a photo of it when you plant it and again when you leave. Put all of these pictures into an album along with your favourite apple recipe – leave it for the next family and ask them to do the same.
Plant up bulbs
Pop them in large containers then sink them into the ground. When you come to move you can lift the containers, and have instant colour for your first winter/spring in your new house. Have fun with your garden and build up some great memories – you can take those anywhere.
Gardening in your quarter
- You are responsible for keeping any garden in a tidy state: cutting grass and keeping borders weed free
- At move-out the garden should be tidy and free from rubbish/personal possessions
- Contact your maintenance helpdesk regarding issues relating to trees
For more information, visit www.diginnorthwest.org or find them on Facebook.