Jon, a veteran, and his serving wife Isobel have just had twin baby girls while assigned to Cyprus.
Jon says: “On hearing we were posted to Cyprus we planned on having another child, as it fitted well into o...
Having a baby is an exciting time and understanding what support you can expect when you’re assigned overseas can help you plan, as every location is different…
AFF Overseas Manager Esther Thomas says: “Ther...
A new remote midwife service has been launched for military mums-to-be in certain European locations and Turkey.
The new initiative was launched in May 2023 by the Central European Practice (CEP), which ov...
To find out more about what support Defence offers young people on a posting overseas, AFF Overseas Manager Esther Thomas met Becky Wakefield, Chief Community Development Officer, Army Welfare Service (AWS)…
SHAPE is set to lose one of its most popular volunteers, reports Debbie Fallaha, Youth and Community Development Worker at HQ Global Support Organisation.
Craig Mulvihill has served with the Royal Marines an...
To celebrate the diversity that exists within the British Army Training Unit Kenya (BATUK), it was decided that Sgt ‘Dups’ Dupal would organise a cultural event to help foster a deeper community spirit and de...
When travelling abroad with children, different countries and airline companies have their own rules, so it’s worth doing some research before you go...
Border Force Officers have a duty to safeguard the wel...
AFF’s overseas team regularly supports unit moves between the UK and Cyprus. This summer’s rotation will see 1 RIFLES move to Dhekelia to take over the role of Regional Standby Battalion.
This move is quite ...
Kylie, Paul (serving), William (10) and Orla (6)
How long have you been an army family?
Paul and I met in 2008 and we got married at Larkhill’s Garrison Church in 2011.
Time in Latvia?
We are coming to th...
Kevin (serving), Cath, Lowri (15) and Oscar (2) on life in Brno
How long have you been an army family?
Six years, Kevin has been serving for 13.
Time in Czech Republic?
One year.
How many other military ...