Do you want to help inspire the next generation of female business leaders? Read on to find out how you can play your part…
IF you have a teenage daughter then you may be very interested to learn about the Artemis Network, a registered charity aimed at helping young women to broaden their career horizons, develop employability skills and make contacts in an unintimidating and fun environment.
Sponsored by major employers including Credit Suisse, UBS and QA Apprenticeships, the Network provides career development events and an age-appropriate social media platform for women between 16 and 21 years old. It’s free and operates in both co-ed and girls’ schools.
Events include workshops, insight work experience events and careers fairs. If you think your daughter’s school would be interested, please get in touch.
A network for you
Artemis has discovered the hidden talents of military families and has so far recruited 12 Service spouses on both a voluntary and paid basis.
These spouses give invaluable advice and help run, facilitate and produce varied and diverse workshops for young women on issues such as raising personal brand awareness, increasing self-confidence, team working and leadership.
Military wife Hilary Pearce recently went to Upton Hall FCJ in the Wirral as an ambassador.
She said: “I think the Network is a great concept and a really valuable opportunity for girls.
“It’s great that employers, like the Artemis Network, are now seeing the value and talents of military spouses.”
If you are interested in joining the Artemis Network as an ambassador or volunteer and either come from a teaching background or have worked in the STEM sector, get in touch at
For more details, visit