Courses for entrepreneurs

Are you considering self-employment? Spouses and partners of serving personnel can now access exclusive training sessions from X-Forces Enterprise in a comprehensive three-day training course that explores th...

Job sector in focus – cyber and tech

Have you ever thought about a career in the cyber and technology sectors? How about IT project management, data analytics, cyber security, programming, network development and design? It’s a sector going from...

From the military to classroom life

Ever thought about a career in education and childcare? Roles often come with term-time working and settings across the country to choose from. But what is the reality? AFF Employment & Training Specialis...

Army spouse careers in focus: Finance

A marvel with money? Fond of figures? If so, the finance sector could be the career for you... The finance sector offers many opportunities – from banking to bookkeeping, auditing to accountancy, financial p...

Give your career a boost with Forces Families Jobs

A great way to take your career to the next level is to give your skills and earning potential a boost by doing a training course. You might want to brush up in IT, get yourself back up to speed after a caree...

Milspos in business – meet our forces entrepreneurs

For service spouses and partners, running your own venture can be a great way to generate a steady income that you can take with you when you move. Three entrepreneurs tell us their experiences…   Chris Keen...
Construction site

Fancy a new career in the building trade?

Construction isn’t just what you see on site, there are more than 180 different jobs that make up the built environment industry. If you think it might be a career for you, Building Heroes can set you on your...