Framework for success

Maybe you are thinking of changing direction in your career, setting up your own business, considering a new job or looking to do some training. Did you know that as a military family you have access to some ...

Achieve your potential

If you live in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland and you’re looking for the next step in your career, the S.P.E.E.D Project offers employability support for military partners and spouses. The project aims...

How to successfully negotiate a job offer

In the fifth of our ‘How to’ series, we asked Sarah Peñaluna, Families Employment Advisor at the Forces Employment Charity, for some tips on successfully negotiating a job offer… Due to frequent relocations ...

Barriers to employment

The Army Families Federation (AFF) Spouse and Partner Employment Survey Report 2024 has revealed that being a military spouse or partner still poses significant challenges to employment and is seen as a barri...

How to cope with rejection after a job interview

In the fourth of our ‘How to’ series, we asked Sarah Peñaluna, Families Employment Advisor at the Forces Employment Charity, for some tips on coping with rejection… Navigating life as a military spouse or pa...

Courses for entrepreneurs

Are you considering self-employment? Spouses and partners of serving personnel can now access exclusive training sessions from X-Forces Enterprise in a comprehensive three-day training course that explores th...

Job sector in focus – cyber and tech

Have you ever thought about a career in the cyber and technology sectors? How about IT project management, data analytics, cyber security, programming, network development and design? It’s a sector going from...

From the military to classroom life

Ever thought about a career in education and childcare? Roles often come with term-time working and settings across the country to choose from. But what is the reality? AFF Employment & Training Specialis...

Army spouse careers in focus: Finance

A marvel with money? Fond of figures? If so, the finance sector could be the career for you... The finance sector offers many opportunities – from banking to bookkeeping, auditing to accountancy, financial p...