Nursing Mums’ Network

LCpl Natasha Day had her son Charlie and returned to work in March last year, whilst exclusively breastfeeding. On moving to a new posting, she lost her supportive group of other breastfeeding mummy friends tha...

Marvel at Marchwood

Captain Si Macey (RLC), the unit welfare officer from 17 Port and Maritime Regt at Marchwood, Hampshire, explains how a grant has helped to transform an under-used building into a vibrant social hub... “During...

Popular podcasts

Searching for an inspiring military-themed podcast? We found that the following – all available for download via your preferred app – are perfect partners for any downtime. The InDependent Spouse A series of ...

SEND and receive

Accessing support for children with special educational needs and/or a disability can take time and effort. Army life may further complicate matters but help is available. Jill Misson reports… WHEN a posting i...


Being a parent has never been easy. It can be lonely, frustrating, heart-breaking and overwhelming. The charity Home-Start is ready to support you through your toughest times. Home-Start volunteers are trained ...

Teamwork testimonies

If you’re a non-UK family, your immigration status affects almost every part of your life in the UK, from your ability to work to opening a bank account. AFF’s F&C team works with a wide range of organisati...

Shaping the community

For families living in the European Joint Support Unit (EJSU) areas, local support is offered by Community Liaison Officer (CLO) roles. Army&You caught up with Felicity Barton, CLO for SHAPE – Supreme Headq...

Working in Welfare

It’s reassuring to know that all prospective UWOs take part in an extensive course which covers all aspects of welfare to support army families… Easingwold in North Yorkshire is much more than just a beautiful...

Your Mind Matters

The Royal Caledonian Education Trust (RCET), Scotland’s Armed Forces Children’s Charity, has a new service supporting military youngsters across Scotland with their mental health. ‘Your Mind Matters’ – the fir...