HOW many organisations does it take to replace a fence panel? Apparently more than the two currently involved – MHS and DIO!
Various fence panels came down in my garden over the winter storms. They remain strewn across the lawn and the ones at the front are particularly attractive enhanced by the barbed wire keeping them together. Without AFF, I would have no idea where we are at with repairs as neither DIO or MHS have bothered to give me any updates.
Having chased MHS after 28 days had come and gone, I was told they don’t deal with storm damage and the request for funding had been passed to DIO.
After another 28 days I contacted MHS who looked at my file and noted that DIO had refused funding. When I asked why, they told me that my only access to that information was by raising a stage one complaint. Apparently DIO don’t talk to customers about repair issues!
Thanks to AFF I was able to ascertain that DIO and MHS are arguing about whether my fence was in such a state of disrepair that it would have fallen down anyway. That argument has been going on for almost five months! No one has officially bothered to contact me to update me. This is my home – even if it is for a short while.
The lack of communication regarding this whole issue is hugely disrespectful.
Name & address supplied
Response from Ann Marie Wilsdon, Service Family Accommodation Regional Manager (South East): There were a number of incidents of major damage to our estate last winter, some of which severely affected properties and caused potential risks to public safety.
While we were lucky to have been free of the severe flooding that affected many areas outside of the military estate, the storms meant that we lost many trees and damage was suffered to roofs and buildings. This generated an increase in requests for maintenance and repairs, the majority of which were associated with fences. Our staff on the ground and on the helpdesks worked hard to absorb the extra work caused by the storms and we apologise to those who suffered delays while we recovered from the effects of the additional workload.