We hear from the men and women at the front of the class about what inspired – and continues to inspire – them to take up teaching. Here’s the view from the staff room at Christ College Brecon…
Mr David Bush (Deputy Head Academic)
What motivated you to take up teaching?
Primarily, love of English Literature and a desire to share this with young people. I also had a very good experience in my own education about how teachers can make a difference to individual pupils.
What brought you to and keeps you at your current school?
After university I trained as a teacher in a city and taught in a large day school. I wanted to teach in a school with a greater sense of community and to have a chance to contribute beyond the classroom. The quality of pupil teacher relationships is one key factor keeping me here as well as the quality of life.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your job and its biggest challenge?
The most rewarding aspect of my job is what is always has been: helping pupils achieve the best results they can. It still bothers me after 30 years in the job if someone doesn’t live up to their potential. As a senior manager I also enjoy solving problems and trying to offer a balance and perspective on whole school issues.
The biggest challenge is managing external changes, for example to the qualifications system