Has your school signed up for the Royal British Legion’s latest teaching materials? It now includes brand new live lessons, a poetry project and a special live Remembrance assembly, adding to its existing range of lesson plans, assemblies and bitesize activities.
The RBL, together with the National Literacy Trust, launched its free teaching resources to help children in Key Stages 1-5 understand the importance of Remembrance and its relevance today. The charity is encouraging teachers to register their interest in two exciting new learning opportunities – the Alive with Poppies poetry project taking place from 3rd – 6th October, and the live Remembrance assembly on the 11th November.
Getting creative
Using his specially commissioned poem for the Festival of Remembrance last year as inspiration, renowned poet Tomos Roberts will be delivering four virtual lessons helping children plan, create and perform their own Remembrance poetry. The live Remembrance assembly on Armistice Day will be an interactive live stream for Key Stage 2 classes, exploring why we remember through poetry and music, and bringing children across the country together for the two-minute silence. This year the resources will explore the theme of ‘service,’ highlighting the role of the civilian emergency services, the work of the intelligence services, and the service provided by our armed forces. The resources will help explore what service means, the backgrounds of those who serve, and the impact it has on them and their families.
Your school can:
- Download the resources at rbl.org.uk/teachingremembrance
- Register interest in the Alive with Poppies poetry workshops or the Schools Festival of Remembrance, email remembrance@britishlegion.org.uk