1. The Terry’s and the War, Goddards, North Yorkshire (1 March–18 June)
A poignant collection of stories, loaned items and memories showing how the Terry family, and life at their famous chocolate factory, was affected by WW1.
2. First World War: Remembrance poppy seed sowing, Sheffield Park and Garden, East Sussex (selected dates throughout March, April and May)
Help to create a commemorative poppy field at this historical park. A donation will be made to the Royal British Legion for every pack of seeds purchased.
3. Waddesdon at War, Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire (26 March-24 October)
Delve into the archives of this nineteenth century French chateau; learn about those who went off to war, and those who managed the estate through the war years.
4. Wings over Stonehenge, Wiltshire (selected dates April to July)
Walk in the slipstream of the early pioneer military aviators at Larkhill; see where the Bristol Boxkite made its first flight and where the first British military aeroplane unit was formed. These walks recreate the period with contemporary photographs, maps and include viewing the early hangars and crash sites.
5. WW1 Allotments, Nostell Priory and Parkland, West Yorkshire (22-23 April)
Help the gardeners at this grand house to dig, sow and harvest; learn more about the vital role the children played at harvest time during the Great War. You can also find out more about your own First World War ancestors.
6. Dunham Massey as the Stamford Military Hospital (Opens 1 March)
This Georgian house was transformed into the Stamford Military Hospital from 1917-1919. For the next two years, it will offer a unique opportunity to discover what life was like in a military hospital, the stories of soldiers who stayed there and the remarkable women who ran it.
7. Bombs and beasties guided walk, Orford Ness Nature Reserve, Suffolk ( selected dates throughout May to September)
Enjoy a leisurely walk and talk with a ranger exploring this important nature reserve; once a top secret military test site. Explore areas not normally open to the public and find out about the experiments conducted in both World Wars and into the nuclear age.
8. World War One commemoration, Overbeck’s, Devon (1 June-8 November)
Discover the story behind the decision of George and Frances Vereker to turn their seaside villa into a convalescent hospital which helped 1,000 wounded soldiers to recover during WW1.
9. Heroes of adventure, Quarry Bank, Cheshire (7 June-16 November)
Discover stories from the Greg family, the workers, the villagers of Styal and the Mill itself. With photos, letters, and belongings; discover a story of hope, courage, loss and love at one of Britain’s great industrial sites.
10. World War One at Nymans exhibition, Nymans, West Sussex (14 June-31 August)
The story of the people that called Nymans their home and how the War affected them. Learn about the soldiers in the Buffs, trained by Leonard Messel who was unable to join them on the front line because of his German ancestry, and the letters he received from those who saw combat and why his father Ludwig is said to have died from a broken heart.
For a full list of WW1 events, including dates and charges, visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ww1
Main picture: NT John Millar; Additional pictures: NT Robert Thrift.