What’s it like when the wheels come off?

POST Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is often mentioned in the media but what is the reality behind the headlines for those living with a sufferer? Mother-of-three Rachel is all too aware. In 2010, “the wheels...

Keeping communities together

AFF Germany Director, Diane Weir (pictured below), catches up with three volunteers helping to make sure your community continues as normal despite the future drawdown…   SHONAH Cross has been runnin...

A NEET idea

YOUR young people can benefit from the BFG 14-19 Partnership, which liaises with schools, work-based learning organisations and employers to benefit young dependants who are NEETs – Not in Education, Employment...

Good copse

Play Parks and Community Projects Manager Rosie Brown explains what MODern Housing Solutions (MHS)  has been working on outside its usual maintenance tasks…    MANY of you reading this will think of ...

Allowance cut unfair

A RECENT Defence Information Notice details a reduction in married Service personnel’s entitlement to check their Privately Maintained Property (PMP) from 24 to four journeys per year.  It was deemed not nec...

Bonus blues

I HEARD bonuses are being paid out to soldiers after 16 years of service. This came as a surprise because during my husband’s 22 years with the Army he has never received a bonus. When he joined, he was prom...

Pay rise to purchase

I WELCOME the recent announcement to make home purchase easier for Army families but wonder if this will be matched by a significant rise in pay.  If the rates for Service housing are taken into account when...

Will private homeowners be left out in the cold?

WHAT is the British Army’s plan if something goes wrong when a family is living in their own home?  At present, if my husband is deployed and something catastrophic happens to my service house I will have he...

Disunited state

NOT having an allowance to cover the cost of flights at half-terms for our sons to visit us in the States is one of the biggest heartbreaks of our current posting.  We rely on friends and family to look afte...

Aiming high

AFF has commissioned York St John University to look at the attainment of Service children. Moving from school to school and changing teachers and topics can cause upheaval and parents have told us that thei...