As you may have heard, new Service Family Accommodation (SFA) management, and repair and maintenance service contracts will be introduced across the UK next year to replace the current National Housing Prime co...
If you’re assigned to the Future Accommodation Model (FAM) pilot area in Aldershot there are other MOD allowance incentives that you may be eligible for if you own your own home or are thinking of buying.
The ...
Moving and the military go hand-in-hand and many of you have been through the process umpteen times. But there’s always something you can learn from the experience, right? Army spouse Lisa Rogerson has 17 moves...
With the festive season – and inevitable increase in use of candles – approaching, it’s a good time for families in SFA and SSFA to consider taking out liability insurance.
This will protect you against unfore...
Are you in a long-term relationship (LTR) and looking to move into a quarter? Currently, unless you’re living on a Future Accommodation Model (FAM) pilot site, unmarried couples are only eligible for surplus ho...
Our winter issue focuses on your home, as housing continues to be the subject that you raise most frequently with us.
We know from our 2020 Big Survey t...
According to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics, young people live with their parents for longer than they did 20 years ago. For service families with over-18s who are still at home and ...
The National Housing Prime (NHP) contract, which provides management and maintenance services for Service Family Accommodation (SFA), will be replaced in spring 2022 by five new accommodation contracts.
The ch...
The current National Housing Prime (NHP) contract with Amey, which has encompassed the management and maintenance of Service Family Accommodation (SFA) since 2014, will be replaced in early 2022.
Defence Infra...
AFF housing specialist Cat Calder gives the lowdown on extra funding for service accommodation…
To help generate work in the building industry after the first COVID-19 lockdown, the government gave DIO £200