Army&You highlights the support that schools worldwide show our military children. This edition, we’re heading to Scotland…
Name of school: Raigmore Primary
Location: Inverness
Number of service pupils: 90 out of 220
How do you help service children settle in?
We identify those who are from a military family so we can arrange support – before, during and after separation. We make sure service children integrate into the whole school community. They meet once a week to talk and share with other military children. We also pick up on any gaps in learning and put additional support in place.
What practical support do you give service pupils?
The children have emotional check-in, bubble time and meditation time with quiet space to go to. We increase communication with the parent who is at home and support communication between pupils and deployed parents. The children also have a named person to speak to if they have any worries or issues.
Are there any military links?
We work closely with the local unit welfare officer to ensure there is constant communication regarding children’s welfare at school and at home. We attend the Military Liaison Group (MLG) to share best practice with other groups and schools.
Are there any special projects involving service children?
Miss Farrell, our forces teacher, works solely with children from forces families in camouflage club, with discussions, projects and activities focused on supporting the children’s wellbeing. Children also enjoy being involved in Reading Force and they talk about their books and scrapbooks with each other during these sessions.
What do the kids think?
“One fun thing about having my Daddy go away is we get to go to our club in school,” says Ruby, P2.