Partners of serving army personnel, we want to support you in finding ways to gain further qualifications!

With funding from the Armed Forces Families Fund, a team at Bath Spa University is working on an online information hub designed to support service partners to access qualifications from pre-GCSE to post-graduate level. It will specifically focus on routes to qualifications which are achievable regardless of relocation frequency, unpredictability of working hours and/or childcare needs.

We are inviting partners of serving personnel to consider participating in a focus group this autumn and winter to learn what the hub will offer and to suggest any additional information and guidance it could provide. If you are near Bulford Camp, this will be an in-person focus group. If you live further afield, this will be online. Following participation in the focus groups, we will send through a £15 shopping voucher as a thank you for your time.

If you would like to know more, please email and you will be sent more information about the proposed hub and details of how to register for a focus group should you choose to.

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