MERCIAN Regiment soldiers paraded in Nottingham as preparations continue for their upcoming deployment to Kenya.

More than 60 members of A Company, 2 MERCIAN, exercised their right to the freedom of the city, beginning the march from outside St Mary’s Church.

MERCIANPARADE2One of the marchers, 20-year-old Private Graley (pictured right), said: “It’s great when you do a march because of the cheering and clapping but it’s a bit more special doing it in your hometown.

“I went to Kenya last year and it is a beautiful country. The thing I like about travelling around with the Army is you get to experience different cultures. Everywhere you go, when you leave, you take a little piece of the culture with you.”

His mum, Stacey Graley, added: “I feel very proud of him. I have seen him on every march he has done and I saw him march last year through Nottingham. It was breath-taking.”

The parade was the last of several in The Mercian Regiment’s home counties, with further events planned during February.

Community spirit

Major Steve Hayes, Company Commander of A Company said: “The parade is an excellent opportunity for the soldiers of 2 MERCIAN to refresh the links with the communities they come from, and thank them for their ongoing fantastic support.

“With an exciting and diverse year of training ahead culminating in deployment to Kenya, the support the soldiers receive from the public provides a reassuring foundation to move forward from a period of dynamic soldiering.”

Want to know more?

For further information on The Mercian Regiment, visit or