THE MOD’s Directorate Children & Young People has set up the Education of Service Children Change Programme (ESCCP) due to the changes taking place across the military which may have an impact on Service children.

There are four projects within the programme:

  1. Improving access to high quality education for Service children in the UK
  2. Managing the closure of Service Children’s Education (SCE) Schools in Germany
  3. Managing the needs of Service children returning from Germany and those affected within the UK by working closely with the MOD’s £6m Education Support Fund to help ease the impact of rebasing on schools
  4. Defining the future for SCE overseas.

Whilst some projects will be focused on Service children returning from BFG, the wider emphasis is supporting access to high quality education for all Service children in the UK and overseas.

The success of the programme will be influenced by support and involvement from Service families, the chain of command and the Army Families Federation.

DCYP has employed a National Transitions Officer who is responsible for smoothing the transition of Service children moving to, from or within Scotland.

For more information, email

If you have any issues regarding your children’s education, contact AFF’s Education & Childcare Specialist, Lucy Scott, at

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2 Responses

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    Is SCE likely to establish forces focused schools in the major garrisons created by rebasing or leave provision to local authorities?

    Each major garission is likely to be able to support a secondary school and few primary schools, if the excellent Germany levels of provision could be provided in the UK it would be a significant retention tool. Especially if boarding facilities were available in garrison schools for single parents on tour or postings away from their regiments garrison.

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      Thanks for your comment, Rob. I will pass this on to our AFF Education Specialist who will reply after the Bank Holiday weekend.