Unit welfare teams are there to help and support you through a posting and provide vital care and compassion if the need arises. But what if they do not even know that you’re there? AFF Regional Manager North, Annabel Ingram, urges families to pay them a visit…
Welfare teams are often busy helping families spread out over large areas or in their own homes. They don’t always receive information regarding those moving into and out of their region, so it’s difficult for them to keep track of all the new arrivals.
What can you do to help?
Don’t wait until you have a problem – visit your welfare team. Your soldier may have the tick on the sheet to say they have visited welfare, but will they have discussed any family concerns?
It’s a good opportunity to ask questions and also gives the welfare team a chance to let you know what is available and how they can help you. If you need any special support, your welfare team should be made aware of this from the beginning.
Where can you meet your welfare team?
They will have offices that you can drop in to and there are specific phone numbers if you need to arrange a more formal meeting, or you may decide to have a chat at a coffee morning or unit event.
Check if there’s a text alert service in your new area which will keep you updated. Whatever you choose to do… do something!
This one little step may help you have a happier posting.
You can contact Annabel at rmnorth@aff.org.uk