A touching film produced by military charity, Scotty’s Little Soldiers, has gone viral, reaching more than 500,000 viewers worldwide.
A Hero’s Legacy tells the story of Corporal Lee Scott, a loyal soldier, dedicated husband and loving father who was killed in Afghanistan in 2009. After seeing the devastating impact of his death on their two young children, his wife, Nikki, set up the charity to offer support to other bereaved military children and young people.
Since launching in May with a Facebook premiere, the film has reached audiences as far afield as New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Canada, the USA and Europe.
Julie Matson, who is mum to Scotty’s member Amelia, whose father, Flight Sergeant Robert Matson, died in 2018, said: “Amelia and myself sat and cried together. It was sad, touching and beautiful all rolled into one. We cannot thank you enough for what you do for us all.”
Wayne Palmer said: “I never knew Lee Scott but his death had a big impact on me. I was the one in Afghanistan who reported his death along with lots of others on the 9/10 July 2009. I have a tear in my eye watching this.”
Founder Nikki Scott said: “I’m completely blown away by the response, it’s been incredible to hear the feedback and to know that it has reached so many people all over the world. Lee would be so chuffed to know his story has had such a huge impact.”
To watch A Hero’s Legacy, go to www.scottyslittlesoldiers.co.uk/news/a-heros-legacy
Last year, Scotty’s launched Overwatch to provide supporters with a chance to watch over bereaved children. By pledging a monthly donation, subscribers get an insight into Scotty’s work and the impact their donations are having. To find out more, go to overwatch.scottyslittlesoldiers.co.uk