FILM2MILITARY charity BLESMA, which supports limbless veterans, is joining forces with a casting agency to offer injured soldiers the opportunity to be a TV or movie star.

Mad Dog Casting will offer paid-for roles as extras in blockbuster movies as well as top television series and commercials.

The company’s chairman Graham Beswick commented: “We all recognise the debt of gratitude that we owe our Armed Forces, especially those who have suffered serious injury while going about their duty on our behalf, and this is a meaningful way of the broader community supporting life after service.

“We are delighted to be working with BLESMA and its members.”

An alternative to sport

A total of 340 Servicemen and women are amputees as a result of conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq, with 96 double amputees and 19 triple amputees.

Research has shown that public performances such as acting or singing can significantly impact on recovery and the levels of self-confidence and self-esteem of those who leave the military and who are not interested in sporting or physical challenges.

BLESMA Operations Director Ian Waller said: “It’s important to recognise that, just because someone is injured, it does not inhibit their ambitions or aspirations and in reality not everyone can row across the Atlantic.

“The feedback we have received from those who have worked in the arts or theatre is massively positive and this partnership represents a really exciting opportunity for our members.”

Give it a go

If you are a member of BLESMA and would like to get involved, visit to fill in the registration form or email to find out more and submit your personal details.

Daily rates range from £100 to £160 depending on the production; Mad Dog will charge a special discounted commission and registration fee for BLESMA members.

For more information about the project, go to

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