As an essential wheelchair user living in a quarter, AFF’s Health Specialist Karen Ross is well placed to help ensure that you’re supported when applying for additional needs and disability adaptations (ANDA) to Service Family Accommodation (SFA).
Several families have contacted Karen about issues with the process and we’ve worked hard to address these with Defence Infrastructure Organisation.
Stephanie Quintrell (main photo), who recently married a soldier and moved into her first quarter, explains what living in a well-adapted SFA means to her: “Living in a property that’s suited to my needs has given me more control over my life and independence. This house enables me to be a capable mum despite my physical disability, and that is all I could wish for.”
Accessibility outside is important too and Stephanie enlisted Karen’s support to get some dropped kerbs installed on camp. “I now have more freedom to enjoy the local area and spend time outdoors with my family and friends,” adds Stephanie.
Improving the process
The two main issues that you often raise are communication and timelines for the ANDA work required. “At times, I’ve felt frustration with the process, and the timescales could definitely be improved upon,” explains Stephanie.
Both Karen and Cat Calder – AFF’s Housing Specialist – have given feedback on the updated ANDA process guidance. The DIO ANDA project manager has also created a specific assessment form and both this, and the new guidance, can be found on AFF’s additional needs webpages.
This updated guidance should help you to better understand the process. Amey Occupancy Services (OS) is your point of contact and they’re responsible for providing you with regular updates. The point of contact will change when the new housing contract gets underway in spring so keep an eye on AFF’s website for updates.
Timelines are more problematic, particularly for major adaptation works, as suitable SFA has to be found and then work is allocated to external contractors, which can vary due to location and availability.
- Start the process ASAP and inform Amey OS about your requirement – call 0800 707 6000 option 3.
- A current Occupational Therapist (OT) or medical report will always be required for your e1132.
- When completing the e1132 application ensure you tick the additional needs box.
- Acquiring a local authority OT assessment can take time due to long waiting lists in some areas. If there is a delay, ask for a letter confirming the situation and share it with the DIO ANDA team.
- Let the OT or medical professional complete the new ANDA assessment form if they are happy to do so.
- Once complete, reports should be sent to for review by a DIO ANDA project manager.
- Don’t book removals or a move-out date unless you have a confirmed move-in date. The process can take time and unforeseen problems may occur.
- If you’re unable to move in time for a posting start date, you’ll need to apply for official retention of your current SFA to ensure access to removals etc.
- If you require a move before the date of the confirmed move-in, this should be addressed with your unit welfare officer or chain of command.
- ANDA requests for surplus SFA will not be accepted.
For more information, search ANDA at or contact Karen at
Often families contact AFF because they need a more suitable SFA to meet their family member’s needs.
If you have a family member with an additional need, including a medical condition, and/or disability and require a larger SFA, SFA in a different location or a differently configured SFA, this should be raised as an ANDA, and you should tick the additional needs box on the e1132.
You’ll need to provide supporting medical evidence to justify a move on medical/welfare grounds. This should be submitted to Amey (OS) at