Pippa and Gav Lehrle have been together for 15 years and an Army family for 13 of those. Gav is currently posted in Aldershot with REME while Pippa and their two boys live in Bordon. Army&You asked Gav to review Victoria Cross Heroes of World War One, the first exhaustive illustrated history of Victoria Cross recipients during World War One, told through the experiences of the 627 young men decorated for extreme bravery and valour…
This book is a refreshingly informative look at those awarded this highly sought-after bravery award during one of the most intense and desperate wars of the modern age, writes Gav.
The understated inscription ‘For Valour’ often immeasurable to the deeds and feats of bravery undertaken, the often forgotten or unheard of names are covered in great detail with a wealth of supporting literature and photographs adding a depth to each new recipient listed.
This forgotten history is beautifully crafted in a flowing narrative of each individual’s life, from those who never made it out from the trenches or fell upon hard times when the fighting was done, to those who simply hung up their uniforms and returned to the occupations that the war had interrupted.
An emotive must-read for those interested in either the history of the Victoria Cross or The Great War and a true insight into human nature which, when lived at its most precarious can often find the strength of will, compassion and self-sacrifice to do great things in the face of adversity and almost certain death.
Superbly written and with a narrative that captures the reader this book has been a pleasure to read from start to finish.
Victoria Cross Heroes of World War One, by Robert Hamilton and published by Atlantic Publishing, is available at most good book shops and online retailers.