In the summer edition’s Army&You and Reading Force Book Club, our forces youngsters share their views on The Weather Weaver by Tamsin Mori…
James Wright (9)
I didn’t want to put it down. Stella finds an old lady called Tamar, who accidentally on purpose trips her with a green bag. This is the beginning of Stella’s adventure, discovering her very own cloud called Nimbus. Nimbus reflects Stella’s emotions and she struggles to control the cloud. The book is full of excitement, you think one thing is going to happen and then it doesn’t – it’s full of surprises.
Lucy (9) and Joshua (10) Scott
Lucy says: “The book is full of fun, adventure and good characters. I especially love Nimbus.” And Joshua adds: “It’s magical, interesting and full of mystery, this book has it all.” Their mum says: “‘The kids loved this book – thank you for giving them the opportunity to read it.”
Holly Herbert (10)
I thought the book was good and I really enjoyed it. It had lots of adventure in it and when I was reading, I felt like I was there too. The story is all about a young girl called Stella who visits her grandpa on the island of Shetland. Her parents leave her with him, and whilst there she discovers she’s a weather weaver. I really liked the character of Stella – she’s kind and thinks about others.
Reading Force is the free shared reading initiative for forces families where you can share a book and talk about it, together at home or via video call if separated from your soldier. You’ll receive a free book and scrapbook to fill in with your thoughts, letters, drawings and photographs. It’s a fun way to keep connected. Take part via your children’s school, HIVE, or register online at
If your children would like to review books for the A&Y Book Club, email with their names and ages.