FORCESLINE is a free and confidential telephone helpline and email service that provides support for both current and ex-Servicemen and women and their families. It is completely independent of the military chain of command.

SSAFA’s experienced civilian staff are available to talk to you about anything that concerns you such as stress, mental health symptoms, military related post-traumatic stress disorder, problems with trauma, drug and alcohol misuse and any other worries that you might be facing.

They can also provide confidential support if you or someone you know is absent without leave.

The team are there to listen and not to judge. They can give you factual information or signpost the appropriate ways forward. The top three reasons for contacting the service are:

  • Debt
  • Housing
  • Relationships

Forcesline is available from 9am-5:30pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Call 0800 731 4880 or email your enquiry at

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