FORCES Mutual has announced the winners of its Genuine Moments photography competition for the Armed Forces community.
AFF is delighted to see that one of the winners was Tilly Lambert-Lee, our Paderborn Co-ordinator, whose photo featured her much-loved Labrador Dave.
Overall winner Royal Engineer section commander Nick Johns was awarded the highest prize for capturing Adam Williams, a fellow 22 Engineer Regiment sapper and street artist, painting Queen Elizabeth II onto a wall in their Camp Taji barracks in Iraq to commemorate the monarch’s 90th birthday in May 2016.
Forces Mutual designed the competition to revolutionise the images of the military that the public are exposed to and show more intimate insights into the lives of the people who put their lives on the line every day. The entries focus on the stories of individuals and their relationships with everyone from children to colleagues and family pets.
The judging panel, which included representatives from Forces Mutual, its parent Police Mutual Group, Amateur Photographer magazine and BFBS, was stunned by the quantity and creativity of images received.
Panel member Mike Laird, a photography lecturer who was once embedded with the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, commented: “These images tell the unseen stories of military lives, distilled down into single moments. They are fantastic, especially for amateurs.”
To view the images, visit which showcases a gallery of all the winners and a selection of other entries.