IF your child attends a state school, academy or free school in England and has been registered with the school as a Service pupil, the school will be granted a Service Pupil Premium (SPP) of £300.
Schools with Service children in Reception to Year 11 classes are eligible to receive SPP, but only if your child’s name appears on the school roll as being a Service child.
The annual census takes place on 15 Jan 2015 and children must be registered with the school before this date.
Contact the school and make them aware your child is from a Service family. This information is not shared with other organisations and is protected on the national pupil database.
SPP is provided by the Department for Education to enable schools to offer additional pastoral support during challenging times, which could include anything from a Service parent being away; being injured on active service or bereavement. Funds are paid directly to schools with head teachers and school governors deciding how they are used.
For more information on eligibility, visit https://www.gov.uk/service-premium-information-for-schools or https://www.gov.uk/government/policies/raising-the-achievement-of-disadvantaged-children/supporting-pages/service-premium
For any other queries regarding Service children contact the Children’s Education Advisory Service helpline on 01980 618244 or enquiries@ceas.uk.com