If you’re an unmarried army family and you’ve registered your relationship on JPA, you’re currently eligible to apply to live in surplus quarters where they’re available, but entitlement to army allowances has not been widened in the same way.
Allowances entitlements are based on the Personal Status Category (PStat Cat) of the serving person, which is why those in long-term relationships may be able to claim some and not others. For example, this could mean being unable to claim removals when moving on assignment or being unable to access the army over-37 package.
AFF has heard from many of you in long-term relationships who have raised issues with current allowance policy, including dual serving couples who have been unable to claim travel allowances.
Splitting up
Separation can also lead to difficulties when in a long-term relationship. Whilst policy allows a partner the same 93-day period as a husband or wife to stay in Service Family Accommodation (SFA) while they find somewhere to live, they would not be able to claim removals.
However, couples in long-term relationships may claim some allowances when moving, like Disturbance Expense or help towards the cost of van hire.
Future Accommodation Model pilot areas also offer more support for those in long-term relationships, so it’s important to check with your Unit HR admin team on individual allowances.
What is AFF doing?
We have fed in your views and issues with allowance policy for those in long-term relationships with the MOD to help get clearer guidance for families. If you would like to air your views on this, contact moneysupport@aff.org.uk
Looking to the future
The MOD is reviewing entitlement and eligibility for the modern army family to understand how it can create policies that are more inclusive and supportive. AFF is feeding in your evidence to ensure your voice is heard. We’ll update you with more info as soon we have it.
What’s your status?
PStat Cat 1: A serving person who is married or in a registered civil partnership.
PStat Cat 1s 5s: Serving couples.
PStat Cat 2: A serving parent whose child lives with them full-time.
PStat Cat 3: A serving person not in PStat Cat 1 or 2 who provides financial support for their current or former spouse or civil partner, or any dependent child, by voluntary agreement.
PStat Cat 4: Serving person not in PStat Cat 1 or 2 who provides financial support for their current or former spouse or civil partner, or any dependent child, under an order made by a court or Child Maintenance Service arrangement.
PStat Cat 5: All serving personnel who do not fall into the above categories.