A group of service families took to the great outdoors during the first short break of the year organised by SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity.
Calvert Trust in the Lake District was the destination for 22 service children with additional needs or a disability, with 11 of their siblings and parents. They took part in a range of activities including canoeing, bushcraft and high ropes.
One family said: “The children have discovered that they have a similar interest in the activities and have made memories together that they can look back on with pride, a sense of achievement and reflection.”
Another added: “We did things we didn’t think were manageable! Thanks to the brilliant team, our daughter was able to try everything and even managed to push herself out of her comfort zone, I’m so grateful. The little things she achieved this weekend were a huge deal to her and us.”
One of the children who took part said: “I liked how understanding everyone was with me and my sister. The swimming pool was great, I haven’t been able to swim in over three years due to anxiety.”
SSAFA’s short breaks are open to serving families with a child who has additional needs or a disability. For more information, visit ssafa.org.uk/shortbreaks.