1. There are 164 grammar schools in England, 69 in Northern Ireland but none in Scotland or Wales
2. Grammar schools are state secondary schools which by law can select all their pupils on the grounds of academic ability
3. The entrance test is often referred to as the 11+ and is carried out in the autumn term of the child’s last year in primary school
4. Up to four different areas are tested: Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Maths and English
5. The 11+ exam in Northern Ireland was officially stopped in 2008. There’s still a selective process within the two main groups of grammar schools
6. Boarding facilities are sometimes available for a charge
7. There’s an excellent interactive map at www.ngsa.org.uk
8. Ideally, visit the individual schools in your child’s year five summer term to register
9. Results are sent out before the application deadline for secondary schools to enable choice if your child is unsuccessful
10. Families in England find out whether they have a place on National Offer Day in the spring. NI families find out in June
11. There’s a second 11+ exam for those who move after the first one and tests for those who move in later school years. You may need to bring academic evidence from your previous school
12. It’s possible to apply for special consideration for SEN such as extra time in the test
13. You have a right to appeal.
For free advice and resources on the current tests, future reforms and school information, visit www.elevenplusexams.co.uk, www.parentsintouch.co.uk or www.the11pluswebsite.co.uk AFF will continue to monitor fair access to schools for all Army families. If you have any issues, email ec@aff.org.uk