A one-day memoir event, which is open to all in the military community, is taking place on Saturday, 8 February at the National Army Museum, London. The event will support those individuals who have considered writing a memoir about their military journey.

The guest speakers are published authors and specialists in publishing, who will share their experiences and offer practical advice. The speakers list includes General Lord David Richards, former Chief of the Defence Staff and author of Taking Command.

Professor Alison Baverstock MBE, event chair and founder of Reading Force said, “I often wish I’d asked my father more about his military service during the Second World War. By the time I thought about it, it was too late. As I married a soldier, knowing how the experience was for him would have been really interesting.”

To book tickets, go to nam.ac.uk/whats-on/writing-military-memoirs or for queries about the day, email hattie@readingforce.org.uk

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