Author Tanith Carey on how to get manic mornings under control…

Get yourself dressed before the kids.
If you tell them off for being in their pyjamas when you’re wrapped in a towel, the situation could deteriorate.

The best way to wake children up is to open the curtains.
Natural light has been found to stimulate the brain to release the hormones which naturally wake them up.

Get your kids to do the same things in the same order.
From getting dressed to brushing hair and teeth, they will soon learn what they need to do next and save you nagging. Make it fun by creating a musical playlist to go with each activity.

Put up personalised hooks – colour-coded if they are too young to read – for their coats and bags.
Hang your car keys by the door too so they don’t get lost in those vital last moments before lift-off.

For older children, put out breakfast things like cereal so they can help themselves and get a head-start.
Putting cereals in a plastic jug will make them easier to pour.

Have aprons handy for when you are serving messy foods or rip off a strip of cling film to protect school uniforms.
Baby wipes are ideal for wiping down sticky faces and fingers.

Double-ended pieces of elastic with clips will keep kids’ gloves attached to sleeves.
This will ensure they are always easy to put on.

Thread scarves through coat loops so they’re ready to wrap around your child’s neck.
Teach youngsters how to pull down their cuffs when they are putting on their coats so their sleeves don’t get uncomfortably scrunched up.

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