Whilst the Modernised Accommodation Offer has been paused, there are two new positive elements which were rolled out in March, which may help support you financially.


New Single Living Accommodation (SLA) waivers became available on 11 March, which means that all serving personnel will now be able to access a waiver, so you don’t need to pay SLA charges for 12 months.

It will support you if you live in your own home but need SLA during the week because it’s too far to commute. The home can’t be your Residence at Work Address (which is an address within 50 miles or 90 minutes travel of the duty station).

Previously, army personnel were mostly only able to claim a waiver via the Army Over-37 Provision, and this only helped support those who were married or in a civil partnership or army personnel who were over 37 years of age. The Army Provision has now closed but if you are already on it, don’t worry, your waiver will continue until your next assignment.


A refund of legal expense is now available to help first-time buyers wanting to get on the property ladder and supports towards legal expenses of up to £1,500.

You can claim back legal fees for a solicitor or searches, but it doesn’t include stamp duty. The good news is that it can be used with the Forces Help to Buy scheme.

There are conditions to be eligible and you will need to buy a home near your duty station which is your Residence at Work Address from which you are commuting daily.

You must have started or be due to start at your assignment at the relevant duty station within the same or previous tax year to when the property was purchased and be assigned.

You must also have an expectation of at least 12 months left to serve in that assignment or your family should live in the home for 12 months.

You will need to pay the costs yourself first and then claim them back.


If you’d like to tell us about your issues and concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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