TICKLE Fingers, a project that promotes cooking with toddlers, is challenging parents and their tots to get involved with Help for Heroes’ Bake for Heroes.
Annabel Woolmer, Tickle Fingers founder, said: “I am passionate about the benefits of getting children into the kitchen and exploring food, so during Bake for Heroes fortnight I am going to see how many toddlers (aged 1-5 years) I can get having fun with their parents or carers in the kitchen!”
Bake for Heroes fortnight takes place between 18 April and 4 May and there are two ways you can get baking with Tickle Fingers in aid of Help for Heroes.
Why not come and bake with Annabel at Tickle Fingers? Donate a minimum of £5 and turn up with your toddler ready to have fun with tea, coffee, cakes & toys on tap! Email contact@ticklefingers.co.uk to book your place.
If you can’t make it to one of Annabel’s sessions, you can still get involved by baking at home with your little one. For just £2, you’ll receive a recipe from the Tickle Fingers Cookbook to try. Donate online and email contact@ticklefingers.co.uk to request your recipe.
Post pics of your toddler’s creations to www.facebook.com/cookwithtoddlers or tweet @cookwithtots using the hashtag #BakeforHeroes