
Your time to shine

The Heropreneurs Awards, established in 2018 to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of the military community in business, have been brought onli...

Popular podcasts

Searching for an inspiring military-themed podcast? We found that the following – all available for download via your preferred app – are perfect part...

Thanks to the community

A blog from Army&You’s spring edition by Jodie, @themilwife When I first started my Instagram account, I never thought it would go anywhere. I th...

Waste not, want not

Sustainability is a hot topic for everyone but how can we as a military community do our bit to reduce waste? Culinary queen AJ Sharp has been putting...

Studying in Scotland

Did you know, in Scotland, universities and further education colleges are working closely together to better support the military community? AFF’s e...

Expanding your horizons

For military spouses and partners, starting a course in a traditional college setting requires more planning than our civilian counterparts. The big q...

Two birds with one stone?

It's no secret that being a mobile military family can make it difficult for spouses and partners to maintain a career. In AFF’s 2018 research, conduc...

The Big Career Shake-Up

Programme Castle is set to completely modernise the way your soldier’s career is currently structured. So how is it going to change things? We asked t...

Feeding my army

Beca Lyne-Pirkis is best known for her Welsh language cookery show Becws on S4C and as a contestant on The Great British Bake Off. As a military wife ...